Dwarf Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia praecox

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Melanotaenia praecox is a rainbowfish native to New Guinea, where it inhabits dense, fast-flowing jungle streams. It grows to about 6 cm and is omnivorous, meaning it eats everything. The colorful metallic shimmer of the body, which - depending on the incidence of light - ranges from blue to turquoise, green and yellow, contrasts wonderfully with the red to yellow colored fins.

Care in the aquarium

Despite its small size, this fish needs at least 120 liters in the aquarium due to its temperament and swimming ability. Sufficient swimming space should also be ensured when setting up the tank. A lush border planting and a free central area with lower plants, as well as the presence of floating plants are optimal. Dwarf Rainbowfish like to swim in schools or individually, depending on the mood and age of the animals.

Unlike other rainbowfish, this one does not come from areas with harder water, which is why hardening the water is not necessary for the Dwarf Rainbowfish. However, clean water with a low germ density and, if possible, without nitrite and nitrate is important for its health. Due to its natural habitat, it also prefers oxygen-rich water and some current.


This rainbow fish should be fed with variety. As an omnivore, you can offer preferably live and frozen food, but also granulated, flaked and green food.

Sexual Characteristics and Breeding

The sexes of the Dwarf Rainbowfish are usually easy to tell apart. While the fins of the males have a red border, the females have a yellow to yellow-orange fin border. Adult males are also slightly larger than their female counterparts. Melanotaenia praecox are stick spawners - the eggs are laid by the female over a period of several days between plants and mosses, where they immediately adhere to the plants thanks to thread-like appendages and are fertilized by the male. The young fish hatch after about 5-12 days and can then be fed with powdered food and freshly hatched Artemia nauplii.

These animals are...
[  ] ...bred by us
[X] ...bred by regional breeders (AT, DE)
[  ] ...bred by international breeders (import)
[  ] ...wild caught (import)


Temperature 24 - 27 °C
pH value 6.0 - 7.0
General hardness (GH) 5 - 15 °dH
Aquarium size > 120 liters, better from 200 liters
Tank area Middle - top
Recommended quantity  At least 6-10 individuals, more females than males              
Scientific name Melanotaenia praecox
Common name Dwarf Rainbowfish
Origin New Guinea
Size Approx. 6 - 7 cm
Shipping size Approx. 3 - 5 cm
Life expectancy About 3 - 6 years
Feeding Omnivorous, Live and frozen food, flakes and granulated food
Socialization With peaceful fish, with shrimp conditionally possible
Tank arrangement Dense planting with enough free swimming space, floating plants
Colouring Blue to yellow shimmer, silver, red to yellow fin lining
Browse this category: Free-swimming fish