Guppy "Red Blonde" - Poecilia reticulata

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The Guppy originally comes from South America and is one of the most popular aquarium fish today. There are now countless cultivated forms. The "Red Blonde" guppy impresses with its red to orange coloration, especially on the fins, and the light, silvery shimmering body coloration, which gives a great contrast.


Due to its adaptability to a wide range of water parameters and uncomplicated keeping, the Guppy is also well suited for beginners. Poecilia reticulata needs an aquarium volume of at least 60 liters or an edge length of at least 60 cm as well as dense planting around the edges, roots or stone structures in order to be able to withdraw if necessary. There should still be enough free swimming space for this lively fish and the water current should not be too strong. This animal should not be socialized with closely related fish, since it can often lead to deformities in the offspring. If males and females are kept mixed, care should be taken to ensure that the number of females exceeds that of males, as the male animals often harass the females and this can often lead to stressful situations.


As an omnivore, the Guppy willingly takes all conventional fish food of the appropriate size, as well as small frozen and live food.

Sexual characteristics and breeding

The intensely orange-red to yellowish colored "Red Blonde" males have an extended caudal and dorsal fin. The significantely larger and less colorful females are easy to distinguish from the males. Nevertheless, the "Red Blonde" females look great as well. The body is mainly silver to yellow in color and the caudal fins are intense red to yellow. The fins are shorter and more rounded in the females and the physique is also more rounded than that of the males. Reproduction of the guppies is also very easy in the aquarium. Guppies are viviparous fish, so they don't lay eggs but give birth to fully developed young. This very prolific fish - which is not called "million fish" for nothing - can produce around 20 young every 30 - 40 days.

These animals are...
[X] ...bred by us
[X] ... bred by regional breeders (AT, DE)
[X] ...bred by international breeders (import)
[  ] ...wild caught (import)


Temperature 22 - 28 °C
pH value 6,0 - 7,8
General hardness (GH) 10 - 25 °dGH
Aquarium size > 60 liters
Tank area Middle to top
Recommended quantity From 5 individuals
Scientific name Poecilia reticulata
Common name Guppy "Red Blonde"
Origin Breeding form. Originally from South America
Size Approx. 8 cm
Shipping size Approx. 3 - 5 cm
Lifespan About 5 years
Feeding Small commercial fish food, life and frozen food
Socialization With other pieceful fish
Tank arrangement Dense planting and other hiding spots
Colouring Red, orange, yellow, silver
Browse this category: Free-swimming fish